You must use a username
in order to participate in chat. Try adding the State or Country abbreviation
at the end of your user name (i.e. "username"_KS) to let chatters
know where you are from.
Your email address will not be visible to other
chatters and won't be shared for any reason by Littlehouse staff, except
between staff members for administration purposes.
Please do not register
using multiple user names that are completely different of each other. This
will be considered as masquerading and your multiple user names will be
removed. If you want to change to a different user name, you must request
permission by emailing us.
This is a fully moderated chat and is strictly G rated for the benefit of children and adult members. The owner of this site wants you to feel welcome, however doesn't tolerate behavior that will make other members uncomfortable.
Good natured "pokes" from established friends within the community, are acceptable when appropriate.
Any use of language that is deemed inappropriate, including inappropriate words with characters replacing letters will be removed. Repeat occurrences will warrant further action. Material deemed offensive or suggestive by nature is not permitted.
Any links, or images deemed by Littlehouse Live Cam staff to be offensive by nature, will be promptly removed. Repeat occurrences will warrant further action.
Continuously posting the same word, phrase, icon, etc., in rapid succession is not permitted. This is a safe cool site so lets protect its environment .